Cut the Rope 3 (Apple Arcade)
I joined Cut the Rope 3 from the beginning, contributing to early brainstorming sessions and prototyping new mechanics. In the first few months, I focused on porting and refactoring physics code from previous versions while laying the foundation for gameplay mechanics using component-based architecture and Zenject.
After this initial phase, my primary focus shifted to game flow and UI. I designed and implemented an "adventure hub", where players could track their adventure progression and access levels, accounting for up to 16 possible player-triggered sequences. I integrated UI and character animations using timelines, ensuring smooth transitions and interactions. An animator fine-tuned these animations based on my keyframes and documentation. Additionally, I developed a system to track unlocked stars and rewards per location, enhancing player progression.
Beyond my main responsibilities I frequently contributed to other areas, including the main menu, collection scenes, save data management, and tutorials. I collaborated with an external audio company to support the game’s sound design.
On the team side I mentored a junior gameplay programmer and acted as a spokesperson for the UI discipline. I actively participated in design discussions and strategic planning meetings, serving as a contact for product owners.